June 15, 2022 - 8:04am -- scammahorn.5@osu.edu


Friday, June 17th -  2:00 PM 

Arcanum Public Library 

The Generation Rx: Safe Medication Practices for Better Health toolkit is designed to offer helpful information about appropriate medication use for older adults. Medications help us live longer and healthier lives; however, they can also produce harmful effects when not used properly. Safe Medication Practices for Better Health’s resources are designed for the needs of older adults to equip them with the knowledge of safe medication use.

Door Prizes will be awarded! So you don't want to miss out! 

Snacks will be provided.

To bring Generation RX to your community organization please email or call Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn at scammahorn.5@osu.edu or 937-548-5215