By: Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn, OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator
Everyone needs to take precautions to remain healthy during this pandemic. However, for some, it is more difficult. Older adults and people of any age who have a serious underlying medical condition may be at a higher risk for more severe complications from COVID-19. OSU Extension has compiled a list of resources available for our community members. These resources include information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mental health awareness and assistance, food and nutrition, as well as, how to contact our local Area Agency on Aging. For additional COVID-19 updates and resources go to:
Video: COVID-19: What Older Adults Need to Know -
Who is at Higher Risk?
Symptoms of Coronavirus:
How to Protect Yourself:
What To Do if You Are Sick:
Checklist For Your Home:
Mental Health
Anxiety & Stress Management:
Stress Coping Methods:
Introductions to Mindfulness:
Disaster Distress Helpline: 800-985-5990. If you need to speak with a crisis counselor immediately, call 800-985-5990. You can also text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. English speakers in U.S. territories text TalkWithUs to 212-461-4635. For anything else that is NOT related to immediate crisis counseling, Email or complete the Web forms at
Friendship Line: Institute on Aging’s 24-hour toll-free Friendship Line is the only accredited crisis line in the country for people aged 60 years and older, and adults living with disabilities. They also make on-going outreach calls to lonely older adults. Phone 800-971-0016
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 and TTY 800-787-3244
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255
Food and Nutrition
Eating Healthy During Stressful Times:
Ohio food banks and free pantries:
Home-delivered meals: Also known as “Meals on Wheels America” -
Area Agency on Aging
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): This is a state of Ohio health care model that provides families, seniors and other qualified participants with all of their needed medical care and related, ancillary services. The program is mostly run in Cincinnati and Cleveland, but it may expand to other areas of Ohio. Your office Agency of Aging office can advise more on this.
Ohio Residential State Supplement (RSS) program: This program is for low-income adults with disabilities. This resource will provide them with cash assistance/a monetary supplement which can be used for paying bills and expenses. The program is offered for those Ohio residents do not require nursing home care. The supplement from the state of Ohio and your Agency on Aging office will help pay for approved living arrangements and expenses, such as housing and other basic needs.
Transportation: The Agency on Aging works to ensure that seniors and the homebound that need help with transportation can get it through programs such as Elderly Services Program, Title III, and PASSPORT. They may also partner with other non-profits in Ohio, such as the Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul. Transportation can sometimes be offered for needs such as medical and social service appointments, recreation, shopping, and the like.
Locations of Ohio Aging offices
To find an office near you in Ohio, call 866-243-5678 or use the list below.
Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2 is for the county regions of Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby. 40 W. Second Street, Suite 400, Dayton, OH 45402. Phone 800-258-7277
National Hotlines for Additional Assistance:
- Al-Anon for Families of Alcoholics - 800-344-2666
- Al-Anon, Family Groups - 212-301-7240
- Alcoholics Anonymous - 212-686-1100
- Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-7233
- National Legal Aid and Defender Association - 202-452-0620